New Year Attack? Google Brasil hacked by Lone Hacker


Google Brasil hacked by Lone Hacker

Just two days after the New year celebration, Google Brasil had an unexpected deface on their domain by an hacker with the online handle of “Kuroi’SH”.

The attack took place on Tuesday afternoon, leaving a deface page along with a message on the targeted Google domain greeting his friends for the successful attack on such a high-profile domain.

According to the Brasil media, the deface page uploaded by Kuroi’SH remained on the domain for more than 30 minutes making it a breaking news all over Brasil since no one could access the site without noticing the defacement.  Other reports indicated that Kuroi’SH had also hacked and defaced Google Maps and Google Translate Brazil domains but these reports were not independently confirmed.

Here is a full preview of the deface page “It is a great moment to die. Hacked by Kuroi’SH! Two Google at once, I don’t even care; f**k the jealous hates such as Nofawkx. Two Google at once world record idgaf :D. Greets to my friends Prosox & Shinobi h4xor.”

Google acknowledged the hacking through a tweet but refused to give reasons behind the hack.

Kuroi’SH told HackRead that “By two Google domains I mean Google Paraguay domain since I was able to deface it as well but didn’t have time to make its mirror” When asked why did he deface the Google Brazil domain Kuroi’SH added that “Google brazil was defaced to show the world everything can be hacked and we should not underestimate our security risks.”

Kuroi’SH is not a new handle in the world of hacking. In 2015, he defaced NASA subdomains and left pro-Palestinian messages on their homepages.



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