Category: News

  • See the underwater drone which track down fish and film it in 4000p

    See the underwater drone which track down fish and film it in 4000p

    Underwater drone – sounds great for the fishermen out there, and those who will like to take an adventurous fishing step. PowerVision‘s new underwater drone made this possible. It was unveiled at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) this week, the PowerRay is a submersible robot that uses sonar technology and ‘internal fish luring lights’ to detect and…

  • Next Generation: Checkout the self-cleaning shirt Which remove stains and bad odors

    Next Generation: Checkout the self-cleaning shirt Which remove stains and bad odors

    Amsterdam-based fashion startup Labfresh are on the trail of blowing your mind away with its new initiative of a self cleaning shirt. Generally i suppose, using a white shirt comes with believe of immediate laundry after use. Due to this most people prefered a colored shirt. Anyway, i strongly believe that after reading this insight, a change…

  • New Year Attack? Google Brasil hacked by Lone Hacker

    New Year Attack? Google Brasil hacked by Lone Hacker

    Google Brasil hacked by Lone Hacker Just two days after the New year celebration, Google Brasil had an unexpected deface on their domain by an hacker with the online handle of “Kuroi’SH”. The attack took place on Tuesday afternoon, leaving a deface page along with a message on the targeted Google domain greeting his…

  • Mark Zuckerberg launches Jarvis, Your New Personal Assistant

    Mark Zuckerberg launches Jarvis, Your New Personal Assistant

    Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has launched his long anticipated Artificial Intelligence Program Called Jarvis, After a year of coding. Jarvis is a works like a personal assistant to help work out almost every activity you instruct it. Mark said; “My personal challenge for 2016 was to build a simple AI to run my home — like…

  • Facebook Launches 360-degree Video (Have a Look)

    Facebook Launches 360-degree Video (Have a Look)

    Just as innovative as the 360-degree Photo, Facebook has officially launched it’s 360-gree video.  The video, when taken, spans across the entire environment you are located. Now you’re ready to upload your 360 Video to Facebook. It’s just like uploading any Facebook video. Also, note that Facebook limits 360 Videos to 10 minutes length and…