TOP 20 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Being a network administrator comes in handy with a responsibility or task to perform. Due to that here are some top 20 interview questions and answers that is always likely to be…
Using Tables in HTML with Exercises – Lesson 1.5
Welcome to Lesson to Lesson 1.5, in this lesson we’ll be looking at HTML Tables. We shall be under going the following, understanding of the different elements involved in making a HTML table. The following tag elements are used in…
Understanding Lists and Attributes in HTML Lesson 1.4
Alright before we dive directly into working with tables, forms and CSS; We’ll go more into HTML learning about List Items and Attributes to improve our understanding of working with HTML. Below is a basic HTML page with the use…
Getting Started with HTML Lesson 1.3
In this post we’ll learn how to write simple HTML documents, we would also learn how to; Understand the difference between closing tags and self closing tags We’ll write tags with attributes We’ll use MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) as a…
How to Register a Domain Name for your Blog or Business Websites
Trying to start up a new blog? Or wishes to take your local business online so that the world would know about it? The first step to take in creating a new blog or website is registering a “Domain Name”.…
Working with Front End: Intro to HTML, CSS, JS Lesson 1.2
So basically The Frond End is the aspect you see and interact with: HTML, CSS and JS The Back End is everything else: we have so many choices there and we’ll see when we get there later For Example: Let’s…
Understanding Front End and Internet Basics + Environment Setup Lesson 1.1
After reading the Introduction, this is the follow up; In this lesson, we’ll talk about introduction to front-end. Also, we would know our three main objectives that we are going to learn through-out this course, This is a very important lesson, i will be adding…
Learn Web Development From Scratch: Introduction
Web development is undeniably one of the top careers in the world today, and choosing to partake in this piece, will undeniably be one of the top decisions you’ll probably ever take. According to my research, new web programmers, developers…
BREAKING: VTB Nominated for African Tech & Gadget Blogs Award 2018
Some say well deserved, some say we should win, some say we are winning!. I go with all these statements 100%. Firstly, i would like to say a very big thank you to God and every single subscriber, you all…
BREAKING: IBM Acquires Red Hat for $34 Billion
Open source projects is really making it big in the past 2 years. First it was Microsoft buying GitHub for $7.5 billion. SUSE Enterprise Linux was sold for $2.5 billion. 2 days ago IBM announced that it is buying Red Hat for…