Understanding Front End and Internet Basics + Environment Setup Lesson 1.1


After reading the Introduction, this is the follow up;

In this lesson, we’ll talk about introduction to front-end. Also, we would know our three main objectives that we are going to learn through-out this course, This is a very important lesson, i will be adding the codes whereby you don’t have to write much of your own at this point until we get to later lessons.

Main objectives:

  1. Front-End Development
  2. Back-End Development and,
  3. How the Internet Works

You need to have the following installed (Setup Environment)

The next we need to understand is the difference between the front-end, back-end web developer, and who a full-stack web developer is.

Front-End Development: also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly. This is basically what the user of a website sees and operate.

Back-End Development: is a type of programmer who creates the logical back-end and core computational logic of a web application. The developer creates components and features that are indirectly accessed by a user through the front-end. This is basically what the user of a website does not see because it is at the back end. Back end web development include languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, .Net, etc.

Full Stack Developer: is a type of programmer who creates both the client side/front end and logical back-end of a web application.


How the Internet Works

This is an entire college major, as a developer, you don’t need to get the entire knowledge about the internet. All we need to know is  HTTP, IP, Domain Name, URL

  1. HTTP: Stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol used to transfer web pages from one computer to another
  2. IP: Stands for Internet Protocol which is a unique number that identifies a computer, website or a resource (files) on a computer network (
  3. Domain Name: Is a user friendly name used to easily identify a resource  on a computer, website or a resource (files) on a computer network (E.g. vincenttechblog.com/)
  4. URL: Stands for Uniform Resource Locator used to access or request a resource on a website (E.g. https://vincenttechblog.com/category/web-development/ )

Watch the video below to understand the process of how data is being send from one computer to another

We’ll continue the next lesson looking at the respective roles of  HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

See you then 🙂  PS: Share and invite others…



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